According to Ben Armbruster at Think Progress, Tom Tancredo now thinks "that Obama is purposefully withholding his birth certificate in order to fuel birther conspiracies that make the right wing look nuts." Here's part of the exchange on Colmes radio show yesterday:
COLMES: By the way congressman, did you actually say about Barack Obama if his wife says Kenya is his home country why don’t we just send him back?
TANCREDO: Yes I did! Absolutely.
COLMES: Did you actually say that?
TANCREDO: That’s what she believes hey who am I to argue with that?
COLMES: So you want to send him back there to Kenya?
TANCREDO: Exactly. It’s the same way we talked about sending Bush back to Texas and Clinton back to Arkansas. You talk about that in terms of the politics of it, that’s what I was doing. Talking about 2012, send him back home and if his home is Kenya, who am I to argue with it.
COLMES: Do you think he was born there?
TANCREDO: I have no idea, believe me I have no idea. My point in that whole thing was that whether he was actually, whether she was talking about his, the physical homeland, the place where he was born or she was just talking about his “home country” being that’s where his heart is – it’s not America.
COLMES: You think his heart is not in America? […]
TANCREDO: I do not. I do not believe Barack Obama loves the same America that I do, the one that the Founders put together. I do not believe that. I think that he wants that changed. I think – . . . .
COLMES: Do you really believe – you know he was born in Hawaii right?
TANCREDO: I have absolutely no idea where he was born.
COLMES: You’ve seen he was born in Hawaii; he was in two Hawaiian newspapers within two days of his birth.
TANCREDO: Anybody can put an article in a newspaper. Just show me your birth certificate!
COLMES: Why would they have put an article in a Hawaiian newspaper?
TANCREDO: Hey! You got me! Why would you not show your original birth certificate?
COLMES: The certificate of live birth has been shown.
TANCREDO: No, no, no, no, that is of no consequence. That means nothing; you can do that on the internet.
COLMES: So let me get this straight, a little baby is born in Kenya –
TANCREDO: Now they very well not want to show it because they want to propagate this whole thing that’s going on about birthers and making it —
COLMES: Well they are coo-coo for coco puffs.
TANCREDO: Yeah, they may be doing it for that reason; I don’t know why they don’t want anyone to see it.
COLMES: So the crazier the right goes, the better for people like me?
TANCREDO: Exactly.
COLMES: So let me get this straight congressman, so he’s born in Kenya –
TANCREDO: I have no idea where he was born.
COLMES: — and somehow it appears in two Hawaiian newspapers that said he was born at a local Hawaiian hospital because they knew that 40 some odd years later he would be President of the United States?
TANCREDO: I have no idea. Of course not. Of course not.
COLMES: So how would that happen?
TANCREDO: There could be other reasons why someone would want to put a thing in the paper saying that you were born there.
COLMES: Why would the reason be?
TANCREDO: How do I know? Maybe he wanted to be born in the United States?
COLMES: So this little baby, it was decided back then, his parents decided, we want him to be born in the United States? […]
TANCREDO: Perhaps! How do you know? How do I know?
COLMES: Why can’t you accept that he was born in Hawaii when it was written at the time that a certificate of live birth – the Secretary of State of Hawaii has said he was born in Hawaii! Why don’t you believe that?
TANCREDO: Produce it! The one that has the doctor’s signature. That’s the reason why this all goes on.
COLMES: It makes your party look crazy!
TANCREDO: It goes on as I say, they want it propagated because you know –
COLMES: It makes your party look nuts!
TANCREDO: Yeah well maybe that’s why they don’t produce document, I don’t know.
COLMES: Wouldn’t it make you look saner to acknowledge he was born in the United States?
TANCREDO: Why should I? How do I know that?
COLMES: Where were you born?
TANCREDO: I was born in Denver Colorado.
COLMES: How do I know?
TANCREDO: I have a birth certificate to prove it.
COLMES: How do I know? I’ve never seen it.
TANCREDO: Well you didn’t ask to.
Oh my. This is so rich, I don't know where to begin. Just try to follow the logic here--I dare you! It seems to be this: Tancredo has no idea where Barack Obama was born but it wasn't in Hawaii, it was in Kenya, or . . .it doesn't matter because he doesn't love America, because he was not born here or was born here because he's using the question of where he was born to create a group of people called birthers, of which Tancredo is a member but he doesn't know for sure, and make them look nuts because he was born here, well, maybe here. If Obama would just show his birth certificate Tancredo would know but he wouldn't believe it anyway because, well, he doesn't know why except that Obama hates America. Whew!
According to Armbruster, Glenn Beck is also jumping on this particular crazy train No real surprise there.
Oh, by the way, Obama also killed Jimmy Hoffa, created the Bermuda Triangle, and was the one who designed Stonehenge. I'm just sayin'.
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